
5 January 2011

New 5"x7" piece

This is the new 5"x7" piece that I mentioned here

It's created on canvas using fake grass, moss, bushes and general assorted foliage produced to make scenery for model railways

Yes, it's a Marlboro packet (my brand of choice before I realised how much cheaper rollies are)

Here's a little detail shot of the texture and wood veneer I used to edge it

Sketcybooky Goodness

Just a few pages from my sketchbook - they're messy as fuck

Click the images to zoom in

Front cover - created using the same process as this book

.Unfinished painting illustrating the early days of Atlantis 2.0

You can read about this guy here

... and this little guy here

A few concept drawings for expanding Atlantis 2.0

Quick texture created using white spirit and bubble wrap

I suppose that this sketch is a mite mental but, in my odd little mind, it's the result of this guy escaping the confines of my hand

A few sketches for a new chess set

A quick drawing of Miss Donnelly on the tube

Sone 1-10 minute drawings from the wonderful Dr Sketchy (soooo much fun)

Trying out my new ProMarkers

Some quick doodles of potential creatures to decorate my terrariums (to be blogged in the near future)

That's not all of it but you can check out the rest on my Flickr

2 January 2011

Pimp My Blog...

If anyone actually reads this blog then you may have noticed the presence of my shiny new header (pretty alright for 10 minutes work if I do say so myself) and the assorted new links dotted about the place

This post is mainly to point out our fabulous new house blog; living in a house of 7 creative people and John it seems only right that our collective efforts should be shared with the whole wide world so if you're really that interested then you can check it out at A Strange House

My rather talented housemate has also strated her own blog (it was New Year's Eve, one is allowed to go a little bit mental) so wander over there and admire The Ting and Stuff of Emma Donnelly


Now all that's out of the way and I really must go and blush fake grass off of a Marlboro packet I'll just leave you with a photo of me and the love of my life...


5"x7" (or vice versa)

I'm not entirely sure whether it's the price (£2.99 for 4 - fuck yes!) of the innate holdability if these canvases but I do appear to be really quite fond of them so here's some 5"x7" works I've done over the past two years or so... I think they're in roughly chronological order but don't quote me on that

I'm fairly sure that this was the first one I ever did

Definitely my favourite - he lives to doubt me (you can read a little more about him here)

I completely adore this one because, regardless of tow textured it looks, it's completely smooth to the touch

This one's a little different - it's a simple three part stencil (from the utterly brilliand film Let The Right One In) that I poured resin onto to give an eerily flat look

This was one of my more experimental pieces - the background texture is created with a palet knife and some grout then covered an a few different washes and the text is chipboard lettering that I found in a market somewhere, flocked, and placed on screws so it sits slightly above the canvas

I'm quite fond of this one (even though I'm not sure I like the way it looks) because a. it was the first time it ever occurred to me to use impasto gel and stencils to build up texture and b. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle is my lord and master

... and so that's most of them - there's a few dotted about that I've either lost or given away (I clearly give the best gifts) but that's at least half of them

There's a new one sitting in front of me right now but that'll have to wait until I find my ever-elusive camera charger

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